We (at least some of us) “give up” many “unwanted” things during the Lent. Some give up adorning their braids with flowers; some bad habits; some non-veg food; some lying; some movies… and the list goes on. We “give them up” for 40 days and “catch up” soon after the lent. “And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.”

One question! If they are bad in Lenten days aren’t they bad in other days? These are the “external” we quite often give up! What about the “internal”: selfishness, pride, envy, unforgiving spirit, grudge, hatred, indifference, covetousness, filthy thoughts, ill-intentions, etc.? We need a thorough WASHING OF THE WORD OF GOD to do away with these spiritually unhealthy things. Our external “good works” do not “add up” to our salvation. Instead, the Cross of Christ must inspire us “always” (in Lent or out of Lent) to BE GOOD and DO GOOD for Christ. We are to offer ourselves unto Him as a “living sacrifice” and thereby renewed and transformed in our minds (inside) so as to practically know His will. This is our REASONABLE SERVICE unto Christ-says Paul, the apostle.