What is Integrated Theology?

The Bible says, “[God’s] invisible characteristics …are perceived intellectually in the things which have been created” (Romans 1.20, OJB). This means, the study of the universe gives us a glimpse of theology—Who God is! In other words, study of matter—Physics, study of space—Astronomy, study of the Earth—Geology, study of plant life—Botany, study of animal life—Zoology, study of humanity—Anthropology, study of health—Medicine, etc., lead us to the study of God, the Creator. Which implies that there is a close relationship between other disciplines of study and Theology—the study of God.

True theology is compatible with true science and for that matter, with every discipline of knowledge. Since God is the Source of all knowledge, all true knowledge belongs to God, and is complimentary to Theology. Dr. Francis Schaeffer succinctly puts it: All truth is God’s truth. This paves the way for integration of Theology with other disciplines—Science, History, Philosophy, etc.

What do we mean by Theological or Biblical integration? It means how a Word-centred Christian thinking can affect all other study and learning—whether it is of science, history, philosophy or culture. The Bible shapes our way thinking about everything—all reality. And a right study of the universe via science, philosophy or history help us make some proper conclusions about the nature of the Creator, as the Apostle Paul wrote in his Epistle to Romans. The understanding of the Creator and the creation help Christians to communicate the Word to the world effectively. Of course, we integrate the two without being unfaithful to the Scriptures.

Thus in Veritas we endeavour to lay a foundation for this integration and so provide a fundamental knowledge about science, philosophy, history and culture alongside imbibing a deeper understanding of the Bible which helps applying the Word to the world.

The Curriculum includes….

  • Theology
  • Apologetics
  • Hermeneutics
  • Homilitics
  • Church History
  • Church Ministry
  • Evangelism
  • And the relevant subjects

The course is taught under seven distinct strands covering 80 plus topics in 100 plus teaching hours (a session a week) in a span of two years.

To join the course contact:

Pas. Keerthi Pavan +91 9000 666 145

Bro. Vikram +91 9000 114 046